Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary School
Discovering life in all its fullness
Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty, Horizons
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Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

Vision and Values

“Discovering life in all its fullness” John 10.10b

Hesed   Hamdah   Honesty   Horizons

Our Vision

“Discovering life in all its fullness” John 10.10b

Gospel of John where Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life in all its fulness”

At Lindridge St Lawrence we strive to enable every child to achieve their very best whilst equipping them with the skills to become kind, responsible members of their community, who work hard, contribute to society, and who are creative and independent life-long learners.

Our school vision has been developed in partnership with the whole community and describes the ethos that runs throughout our school to include children, staff, parents, governors and volunteers.


Our School Values

Hesed   Hamdah   Honesty   Horizons

 We will promote the school’s Christian values through daily interactions and…

  • offer a creative, broad, balanced and engaging curriculum which meets the needs of all children, providing all with opportunities to explore the wider world
  • give everyone the confidence to be tolerant, happy, hardworking members of the community
  • understand the value of the all in the sight of God
  • ensure everyone can self-actualise; academically, emotionally, spiritually, socially
  • promote a sense of fostering the community
  • raise aspirations, such that everyone reaches the very best of themselves
  • encourage everyone to actively support the expanding of every child’s horizons
  • encourage a creative curiosity about the world in which we live for all

Definitions for our School Values - The Four H’s

Hesed   Hamdah   Honesty   Horizons

Hesed (a Hebrew word)

Hesed literally means ‘loving-kindness’ there is no singular word that directly translates.

At Lindridge we are committed to the well-being of each other and the school We want the best for each other and are mindful of others in everything we do and the decisions we make. We encourage forgiveness and promote kindness.

Hesed - Give thanks to the lord, for he is good: his love endures forever - 1 Chronicles 16:34

Hamdah (an Arabic word)

Hamdah means ‘Praise’

At Lindridge we celebrate good things and share a positive outlook. We are full of hope and rejoice in others successes as well as our own. We rejoice in learning and discovery. We praise God.

Hamdah – Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands. PSALM 63:3-4


At Lindridge we are honest with ourselves and each other.

We courageously confront wrong with the truth and take responsibility for our decisions, our actions our behaviour. We learn about ourselves, who we are as individuals, as members of a community in the relationships we have with ourselves, others and before God. We are open and truthful.

Honesty – who walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out – Proverbs 10:9


At Lindridge we are ambitious and aspirational.

We have high expectations of ourselves and others.  We are learning for life and preparing for life beyond school and our immediate community. We lift our thoughts to God and make connections between our actions and the planet. We are imaginative and creative.

Horizons – I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth – PSALM 121:1-2