Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary School
Discovering life in all its fullness
Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty, Horizons
  • Telephone: 01584 881466
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Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

School Meals


Lunch, milk and fruit

Good quality hot school meals are provided by Red Hen Cookery. You can view the school lunch menu here, or a printed version is available from the school office. Meals need to be ordered via the Red Hen Cookery website, 5 days in advance.  E.g. for a dinner on a Monday, you would need to have ordered it by the Wednesday before.  Meals can be ordered for the whole half term at a time for your convenience.  Red Hen offer a choice of a hot lunch, or a sandwich packed lunch. Salad items (cherry tomatoes, cucumber and carrot sticks) and fresh bread is available on days where the main meal does not contain bread, e.g. a burger in a bun.  Meals are charged at £2.41 per day and payment is made direct to Red Hen.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meals under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Your child may be entitled to free meals under the Governments Pupil Premium scheme from Year 3 onwards. You can apply by completing the online form on the Worcestershire Children First Citizen Portal by clicking here.

Some children may prefer to bring a packed lunch. This must be in a clearly marked box and should contain no glass bottles, cans, fizzy drinks or sweets.  In line with our Healthy Schools Policy, we encourage children to bring in a well-balanced lunch.

Milk to drink at play time is provided free for children under five and may be purchased for older children.  This should be ordered from Cool Milk.  Children entitled to free school meals under the Pupil Premium scheme are also entitled to free school milk should they wish.  All children at Lindridge are offered  a free piece of fruit each day. This is eaten at morning break.